Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hated Irish Chef, O'Seamus Ben-Lachlan, found dead at a Parking Stand. Was killed after unknown U.S. Operator fought and set fire to Ben-Lachlan.

Restaurateur & Chef, founded "Al Caters!" and several "Tally Bon" restaurant chains. Al Caters! received heavy criticism for hostile and competitive nature towards other local restaurant chain, "Joe's American Bar & Grill." Tally Bon also received negative criticisms due to alleged sexism and abuse towards female employees. O'Sheamus Ben-Lachlan condoned the above accusations and admitted to masterminding the heinous vandalization of two American Bar & Grills, resulting in over $3,000 worth of damages.

911 Dispatch operators claim Ben-Lachlan despised and hated the 911 emergency and 411 information system. He adamantly demanded the numbers be switched around, as he considered it "unnecessarily complicated" and "an affront to his personal level of comfort." Ben-Lachlan continuously threatened all Dispatchers and staff, and declared a "War on the American way of dialing." He is also believed to be behind the sending of unmarked packages of free tacos to telephone headquarters, causing the salmonella poisonings of three 911 dispatchers.

Officials celebrate Ben-Lachlan's death, as they always despised him for his poor form and negative attitude. They intend to crackdown on Al Caters! and Tally Bon Restaurants, as a backlash of poor service and food is anticipated. Despite their founder's passing, both restaurants will continue to remain open during business hours.